18 August 2017

August...the Darkest Month?

August is over halfway over, and it's proving to be a little bit difficult. I've been stressed and sort of unproductive. And on the 10th, my husband got beat up walking home from work. Because of this, I've been a bit hesitant to go out on walks. I've enjoyed going out on walks since I've got here, but the enthusiasm to do this has gone down a bit. I'm worried if I go out, I will get jumped as well. And I can't bring anything for self-defence to feel safe because all weapons are illegal here, even if used as self-defence. I do not want to get arrested, and hence maybe deported. Not to mention my tolerance towards kids has decreased further, and every time I've gone out on walks lately, there have been a lot of kids. But if these two things were omitted, it wouldn't make a difference. I've ran out of areas to explore in the immediate area. But anyway, since I haven't gone out and walked, I've been sort of stuck here. It's been a week since my husband was attacked, and it's dampened my enthusiasm to enjoy doing the things I love. I haven't written in my story in nearly three weeks, and I haven't been interested in Xenoblade or anything else in general. I'm just hoping that things will get better, and that I'll be back to myself again. I mean it's sort of effecting me physically too. My sleep schedule has been out of whack. I'd like to listen to the things I want to WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP!!! Thing is, I don't even know what will help me feel better.

Don't get me wrong, though. I still do not regret having moving here. What I am feeling pales to how I felt back in America. America's not doing any better, either. At least politically and socially.

I don't know. I keep getting an error message because it's failing to autosave this. It's quite frankly really annoying, so I'm just going to put this and leave this alone. Ugh.