07 September 2021

Did 2021 Even Happen?

 Hey, it's been a hot minute, hasn't it? I haven't written on this blog in almost a year. I'll outline the reasons why below:

Part 1: Nothing Happened
Part 2: Same Stuff, Different Year
Part 3: Is There Anybody There?

We're in September now, so I think it's about appropriate to ask: What the hell was 2021? We were in lockdown a little bit at first, but that was about it. Apart from going up to Scotland for a fortnight last month, this year was...forgettable. I legit still can't wrap my head around the fact that 2021 only has three months left in it. Right off the bat, I can give you more than one memorable aspect about the past several years:

2020: Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition came out. We went to London to see a NieR concert. COVID hit.
2019: I got my FLR(m) visa. My husband also got compensation after he was attacked. PC issues plagued us.
2018: We moved into our current house. Xenoblade 2: Torna, the Golden Country came out. Super Smash Bros Ultimate came out. I got my current job.
2017: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 came out. My husband was mugged. 
2016: I got married. I got my spouse visa. I moved to the UK.
2015: I was in college. I visited the UK for the second time. 

I could go on and on. But what was 2021? It only had the Scotland trip to back it up. Even 2020 had things going for it. But game wise, what came out in 2021? Let me check. Persona 5 Strikers and NieR: Replicant came out this year. But those games weren't groundbreaking to me, really. I could tell Covid really hit the game industry, because there didn't seem to be very much hype for anything. Among Us was a big thing this year, wasn't it? Or was that last year? Genshin Impact was also a big thing. But apart from that, there wasn't much going around. Apart from my Scotland holiday, 2021 was just plain forgettable. 

This blog is all about things regarding a UK settlement visa. Honestly, what else COULD I write about it? ILR is the final stage of the visa, and it...is pretty much a rehash of the FLR(m), apart from the fact that I need to take a Life in the UK test, and also I don't need to pay an IHS Surcharge. So, there's...not much else I can write about it. And I'm sure it gets tiresome to read "I am so stressed! I am so stressed! I am so stressed!" during every visa season. So, after this post, you'll probably see a "We're in Visa Season Now!" post and a "I Got the Visa!" post. 

It's blatantly honest from my analytics that nobody reads or visits this blog. So, I don't see much of a point logging in everything to nobody. I'm just making these posts to hopefully help those who want to apply for a visa like me. After the visas are all done, though, I don't know what I'll do about this blog. Post updates on anything that happens? Again, I don't see much of a point when nobody reads these things. I mean...I guess they're good for me when it comes to logging in memories. But I don't think dementia-ridden, 90-year-old me will want to log onto the internet and read these things. Who knows, this website won't even exist then. 

So, yeah. All-in-all, there was just nothing to write about regarding 2021. And when it comes to visa posts, they're the same song and dance, so...there's not much to say about them. I mean, I guess I can say one thing, and that's the fact that we recently looked at our P60s for last year. And, to our relief, the both of us earned about £21,000. And this is WITH the 20% income reduction from COVID. Essentially, even at our worst of financial times (COVID), we STILL earn over the £18,600 threshold. So, it's relieving to see. And even then, there is a COVID leeway with the visas, anyway. 

I really need to start studying for that Life in the UK test, though. Oh boyo.