Tomorrow is the beginning of March. Not only that, but tomorrow is the day in which my husband and I sign a tenancy agreement and receive a key for our first house. Unfortunately, we will not be able to LIVE in that house starting tomorrow, because of course we have to do a lot of moving in, since the place is unfurnished. And unfortunately due to our work schedules, we are unable to really do much moving in ourselves. But luckily my in-laws have offered to help with that in our behalf. This new house is tiny, but it will definitely work for us. Apart from the fact that it'll be our first home, there are two advantages to this:
- Our own house will be at our advantage for the next visa, due to the fact that we will be receiving paperwork in our name.
- We will be receiving bills in our name, which means I WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO OPEN MY OWN BANK ACCOUNT! I have just been sharing my husband's bank account for income for the time being. No, it's not a joint account, but my managers have reluctantly agreed to put my income in his account for the time being.
Right now, my biggest concern is of course earning enough to live at least somewhat comfortably. But we have done the calculations of the bills and everything else. Hopefully, this could also mean positive things for our gaming life. If we get a better internet, we may even be able to begin streaming in better quality. Because right now, if we want to stream without the game lagging, the best we could probably muster is 480p. And even then that might be at a push. Streaming would be much more efficient for us regarding our Let's Plays.
But with a new home comes bills. We're not used to that, so it's a little scary for me. We'll be official adults at that rate. Unfortunately, we cannot get a cat for our home, which is a damn shame. At the same time though, we need to get our feet wet first before we shoulder the weight of paying for a cat. But I want cats as much as most women want babies. And I don't want babies. They're more expensive than cats. And more of a pain. LUCKILY we won't have to deal with that monetary weight when we move out. AND we don't have a car, so there's also that. We probably wouldn't be able to live in that home if we had car payments to make. At least, I don't think so. Doing the calculations, we should have £300 left after all of the payments AT WORST. That amount is considering a slow work week. And work has definitely not been that lately.
Another concern is finding the money to pay for the visa on top of bills and all that. We've got a good amount waiting in a savings account. I guess we both can start putting stuff into it. But the visa fees (and possibly IHS surcharge) will increase. So it would possibly not hurt to have at least £5,000 saved up for the next visa. I just hope we'll be able to gather all that up by next spring, which is the earliest we can start applying. We've got at least until June and July to save up.
So not only am I adulting in the normal way (regarding bills and rent), but I'm adulting in an expat way (regarding saving and applying for visas). GO ME!!!Kill me.
At least it's nice to see the UK being doused by snow right now.
That's better.