I normally don’t post rants here because I don’t want to seem petty. But I NEED to say something about this.
I love how I sent some relatively informal documents to Home Office, and they readily accepted my UK visa application.
But a few relatively informal documents to try to open a bank account? NO! HERESY! Let me preface this: Home Office, who are responsible on whether or not one can come to the UK, can accept Specsavers bills as proof of address. They can accept Tenancy Agreements as proof of address. But banks can NOT. Banks, which are much lower scaled than Home Office.We tried hassling the council for the fact that they sent a bill with the wrong postcode (even though it’s correct online) yet they still have the audacity to send ANOTHER bill with the still-incorrect postcode. So we can’t use a Council Tax bill to open up a bank account for me.We haven’t received a water bill statement yet, and at this rate, it’s our only chance for me to open an account because a TENANCY AGREEMENT doesn’t work. A tenancy agreement. An actual statement of address...and it doesn’t work. We are still in a Catch 22 with all this. And we’ve tried four times now, and hassled a lot of people. But we’ve still gotten nowhere. It’s a WASTE OF OUR TIME to spend £10 for a bus fare to the town centre, just to have the bank say “sorry we can’t accept this tenancy agreement even though your address is in big bold letters” what a load of...🤬
Remember when all you needed was a passport to open a bank account? I remember that.Bloody ridiculous.
Yeah. That rant was posted on my Facebook today. So...a tenancy agreement will not work, either. Or at least a private one, which is what we're under. I've been trying all of this with Lloyds, and I want to say right now...SCREW THEM! I am going to try Barclays next. But I'm going to have to hassle the council some more, because they won't accept private tenancy agreements either.
This is so discouraging.
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