12 October 2016

My Biometrics Experience

So I had my biometrics appointment yesterday. It went by really quickly. The first thing I did when I went inside the building was get screened by security officers. It was similar to the ones at an airport. Then they told me to go into the ASC office. I went in and the lady asked for my biometric appointment confirmation paper. She reviewed my details for a second then immediately went to the manager. When she did, I was starting to worry that something was wrong. But she actually needed help because I don't think she's ever dealt with UK visas before. The two of them analyzed my information a bit more. Then the employee took me to the back of the room where she stamped my confirmation paper. Then she scanned all of my fingerprints just as they were. After that, she proceeded to roll each of them. She took my picture and then I was done.

It went so fast, and I had taken in my whole stack of documents by the recommendation of my parents. Turns out the only things I needed were my biometrics appointment confirmation paper and my passport. LoveMyBrit said I needed to bring a printout of my application, which I did, but they never asked for it.

But I got the appointment confirmation paper stamped and now all I need to do is mail everything.

Then I must play the waiting game....

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