Amidst all the worries about my health regarding back pain, I have other things creeping in: next year is visa season. And I know what you’re thinking - “Alice, you’ve been worried and stressed the past two visas, but they were granted. Why are you worried again?” The answer is simple: we don’t have the cushion of the Carer’s Allowance anymore. We are going to have to prove we both earn more than £18600. On the surface, that’s easy. In the normal world, just take on some extra hours here and there and you’re gold. Right? Especially since my hubby has a management position and works more than minimum wage.
The only issue is — this isn’t the normal world anymore. COVID has significantly impacted our earnings. Don’t worry, the government has recognised this. They’ve given leeway if you’re on furlough. But this only applies to this year. We’ve gone into lockdown again and it’s hard to say how long it’ll last. I hope they extend their leeway; otherwise things may be difficult.
My hubby and I both have to earn over £1553 a month, but that may be hard due to COVID right now. Annoyingly, the immigration officers don’t look at the final tally of earnings and call it a day. No, they take the lowest amount of earnings out of a 6 or 12 month period, average it out, and if it’s short of £18600 you’re screwed ð Even if it shows you earned over £18600 on your P60. If you earned less than £1553 one month you are done for! So god forbid if you have a slow month or the world enters a pandemic. And they’re not lenient on that income rate. The guidance even says so. You either be there or you be square.
So yeah. I can’t relax. I’m going to start being more obsessed with the maths and earnings. What’s worse is that this is the last stage. After that, my stay will be indefinite. The visas will be over. If I fail this last stage and have to go back, I’m going to break down... ð fun times. Fun fun times. Guess I gotta hope for the best but prepare for the worst. For me it’s always the sodding latter ðĪŠ.
I wish I could stop dreaming about me having to go back home. I wish I could stop stressing out about this ð. I don’t know what to do, and that’s even more stressful. The uncertainty of the world...and its effect on our work, and as a result, our hours...that’s what’ll make or break me. My livelihood is at risk again. AUGH!!! ðŦ Thanks Theresa May for the minimum income rate issues. And good old Boris is too busy dealing with COVID and the aftermath of Brexit to even think about immigration right now. And even then, I don’t think he’ll bat an eye to the MIR.
Great times. ð
After more research I just found out that taking the lowest wage and averaging it out only applies to SALARIED workers. Since we both work hourly, they will just take the total gross income, divide by 6 and multiply by 12 which is weird...but okay.
Would add a photo to explain but I can’t seem to do that on mobile.
Either way, it puts my mind at ease a little bit. Let’s just hope that 6 months prior to our application date the world isn’t still in A STATE...
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